Source code for splweighting

"""This module implements spectral weighting filters for the sound pressure level (SPL)
in air according to [IEC-61672]_. Spectral weighting is part of aucoustic measurements.
It is used by sound level meters for example. The weighting functions are derived
from different equal loudness contours of human hearing. The weighted levels aim to
provide a better correlation to the perception of loudness.

Implemented weighting functions

There are three weighting functions implemented:

    * A-Weighting: based on the 40-phon equal loudness contour
    * B- and C-weighting: for sounds above 70 phon,
      (B-Weighting is not used that often)

The filter coefficient design is based on the implementation of A- and C-weighting in [2]_.

The weighting functions are defined in [IEC-61672]_ can be described
by the following equations:

.. math::

   R_A (f) = \\frac{12200^2 f^4}

   R_B (f) = \\frac{12200^2 f^3}

   R_C (f) = \\frac{12200^2 f^2}

The frequency responses absolute values of all implemented weighting filters can be seen in the following figure:

.. plot::

   import splweighting
   fig, ax = splweighting.plot_weightings()


.. [IEC-61672] Electroacoustics - Sound Level Meters (
.. [2] *Christophe Couvreur*, MATLAB(R) implementation of weightings,,
   Faculte Polytechnique de Mons (Belgium)


from numpy import pi, convolve
from scipy.signal.filter_design import bilinear
from scipy.signal import lfilter

[docs]def weight_signal(data, sample_rate=44100, weighting='A'): """Returns filtered signal with a weighting filter. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Input signal to be filtered. sample_rate : int Sample rate of the signal. weighting : {'A', 'B', 'C'} Specify the weighting function by a string. Returns ------- outdata : ndarray Filtered output signal. The output will be weighted by the specified filter function. """ b, a = _weighting_coeff_design_funsd[weighting](sample_rate) return lfilter(b, a, x)
[docs]def a_weighting_coeffs_design(sample_rate): """Returns b and a coeff of a A-weighting filter. Parameters ---------- sample_rate : scalar Sample rate of the signals that well be filtered. Returns ------- b, a : ndarray Filter coefficients for a digital weighting filter. Examples -------- >>> b, a = a_weighting_coeff_design(sample_rate) To Filter a signal use scipy lfilter: >>> from scipy.signal import lfilter >>> y = lfilter(b, a, x) See Also -------- b_weighting_coeffs_design : B-Weighting coefficients. c_weighting_coeffs_design : C-Weighting coefficients. weight_signal : Apply a weighting filter to a signal. scipy.lfilter : Filtering signal with `b` and `a` coefficients. """ f1 = 20.598997 f2 = 107.65265 f3 = 737.86223 f4 = 12194.217 A1000 = 1.9997 numerators = [(2*pi*f4)**2 * (10**(A1000 / 20.0)), 0., 0., 0., 0.]; denominators = convolve( [1., +4*pi * f4, (2*pi * f4)**2], [1., +4*pi * f1, (2*pi * f1)**2] ) denominators = convolve( convolve(denominators, [1., 2*pi * f3]), [1., 2*pi * f2] ) return bilinear(numerators, denominators, sample_rate)
[docs]def b_weighting_coeffs_design(sample_rate): """Returns `b` and `a` coeff of a B-weighting filter. B-Weighting is no longer described in DIN61672. Parameters ---------- sample_rate : scalar Sample rate of the signals that well be filtered. Returns ------- b, a : ndarray Filter coefficients for a digital weighting filter. Examples -------- >>> b, a = b_weighting_coeff_design(sample_rate) To Filter a signal use :function: scipy.lfilter: >>> from scipy.signal import lfilter >>> y = lfilter(b, a, x) See Also -------- a_weighting_coeffs_design : A-Weighting coefficients. c_weighting_coeffs_design : C-Weighting coefficients. weight_signal : Apply a weighting filter to a signal. """ f1 = 20.598997 f2 = 158.5 f4 = 12194.217 B1000 = 0.17 numerators = [(2*pi*f4)**2 * (10**(B1000 / 20)), 0, 0, 0]; denominators = convolve( [1, +4*pi * f4, (2*pi * f4)**2], [1, +4*pi * f1, (2*pi * f1)**2] ) denominators = convolve(denominators, [1, 2*pi * f2]) return bilinear(numerators, denominators, sample_rate)
[docs]def c_weighting_coeffs_design(sample_rate): """Returns b and a coeff of a C-weighting filter. Parameters ---------- sample_rate : scalar Sample rate of the signals that well be filtered. Returns ------- b, a : ndarray Filter coefficients for a digital weighting filter. Examples -------- b, a = c_weighting_coeffs_design(sample_rate) To Filter a signal use scipy lfilter: from scipy.signal import lfilter y = lfilter(b, a, x) See Also -------- a_weighting_coeffs_design : A-Weighting coefficients. b_weighting_coeffs_design : B-Weighting coefficients. weight_signal : Apply a weighting filter to a signal. """ f1 = 20.598997 f4 = 12194.217 C1000 = 0.0619 numerators = [(2*pi * f4)**2 * (10**(C1000 / 20)), 0, 0] denominators = convolve( [1, +4*pi * f4, (2*pi * f4)**2], [1, +4*pi * f1, (2*pi * f1)**2] ) return bilinear(numerators, denominators, sample_rate) # This dictionary should contain all labels and functions # for weighting coeff design functions:
_weighting_coeff_design_funsd = { 'A': a_weighting_coeffs_design, 'B': b_weighting_coeffs_design, 'C': c_weighting_coeffs_design }
[docs]def plot_weightings(): """Plots all weighting functions defined in :module: splweighting.""" from scipy.signal import freqz from pylab import plt, np sample_rate = 48000 num_samples = 2*4096 fig, ax = plt.subplots() for name, weight_design in sorted( _weighting_coeff_design_funsd.items()): b, a = weight_design(sample_rate) w, H = freqz(b, a, worN=num_samples) freq = w*sample_rate / (2*np.pi) ax.semilogx(freq, 20*np.log10(np.abs(H)+1e-20), label='{}-Weighting'.format(name)) plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.xlabel('Frequency / Hz') plt.ylabel('Damping / dB') plt.grid(True) plt.axis([10, 20000, -80, 5]) return fig, ax
if __name__ == '__main__': fig, ax = plot_weightings()