# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains second order section filtering routines
implemented in c, cffi and numpy.
A bilinear transform converting sos analog weights to
sos digital weights is provided by :func:`bilinear_sos`.
There are different implementations of sos filtering routines:
- A scipy.lfilter()-based :func:`sosfilter_py`
- cffi implementations with float- and double-precision
and a mimo-implementation:
* :func:`sosfilter_c` (float)
* :func:`sosfilter_double_c` (double)
* :func:`sosfilter_double_mimo_c`
(multi channel input and 3-dim output).
- prototypes for the c-implementations
(slowest, only for debugging)
The c-implementations are for real valued signals only.
With the function :func:`freqz` you can check the
frequency response of your second order section filters.
For the :mod:`cffi` you need :mod:`pycparser` being installed.
Compiling the c source
Firstly i implemented a prototype-function in python
for easy debugging "sosfilter_cprototype_py()".
After that i translated this prototype into a c-function. By
compiling a shared library from it with the listed
steps below, one can use the python cffi to access this
shared library in python. ::
$ gcc -c -std=c99 -O3 sosfilter.c
$ gcc -shared -o sosfilter.so sosfilter.o
$ or the last line for windows users:
$ gcc -shared -o sosfilter.dll sosfilter.o
import os
from sys import platform
from platform import architecture
import numpy as np
from cffi import FFI
from scipy.signal import lfilter
ffi = FFI()
void sosfilter(float*, int, float*, int, float*);
void sosfilter_double(double*, int, double*, int, double*);
void sosfilter_double_mimo(double*, int, int, double*, int, int, double*);
if platform == 'win32' and architecture()[0] == '64bit':
_dl = 'sosfilt64.dll'
elif platform == 'win32' and architecture()[0] == '32bit':
_dl = 'sosfilt32.dll'
_dl = 'sosfilt.so'
if __name__ != '__main__':
_mylibpath = os.path.join('.', os.path.dirname(__file__))
_mylibpath = os.curdir
_mylibpath = os.path.join(_mylibpath, _dl)
_c = ffi.dlopen(_mylibpath)
[docs]def sosfilter_c(signal, sos, states=None):
"""Second order section filter function using cffi
signal_out, states = sosfilter_c(signal_in, sos, states=None)
signal : ndarray
Input array of shape (N x 0).
sos : ndarray
Second order section coefficients array of shape (K*6 x 0).
One biquad -> 6 coefficients:
:code:`[b00, b01, b02, a00, a01, a02, ..., bK1, ..., aK2]`
states : ndarray
Array with filter states. Initial value can be None.
signal : ndarray
Filtered signal of shape (N x 0).
states : ndarray
Array with filter states.
signal_c = ffi.new(
'char[]', np.array(signal, dtype=np.float32).flatten().tostring())
sos_c = ffi.new(
'char[]', np.array(sos, dtype=np.float32).flatten().tostring())
nsamp = int(len(signal))
ksos = int(sos.size/6)
if isinstance(states, type(None)):
states = np.zeros(ksos*2).astype(np.double)
states_c = ffi.new(
'char[]', np.array(states, dtype=np.float32).flatten().tostring())
_c.sosfilter(ffi.cast("float*", signal_c),
ffi.cast("float*", sos_c),
ffi.cast("float*", states_c))
out = np.fromstring(
states = np.fromstring(
return out, states
[docs]def sosfilter_double_c(signal, sos, states=None):
"""Second order section filter function using cffi, double precision.
signal_out, states = sosfilter_c(signal_in, sos, states=None)
signal : ndarray
Signal array of shape (N x 0).
sos : ndarray
Second order section coefficients array of shape (K*6 x 0).
One biquad -> 6 coefficients:
``[b00, b01, b02, a00, a01, a02, ..., b10, bK1 ... , aK2]``
states : ndarray
Filter states, initial value can be None.
signal :
Filtered signal array of shape (N x 0).
states : ndarray
Filter states, initial value can be None.
signal_c = ffi.new(
'char[]', np.array(signal, dtype=np.double).flatten().tostring())
sos_c = ffi.new(
'char[]', np.array(sos, dtype=np.double).flatten().tostring())
nsamp = int(len(signal))
ksos = int(sos.size/6)
if isinstance(states, type(None)):
states = np.zeros(ksos*2).astype(np.double)
states_c = ffi.new(
'char[]', np.array(states, dtype=np.double).flatten().tostring())
_c.sosfilter_double(ffi.cast("double*", signal_c),
ffi.cast("double*", sos_c),
ffi.cast("double*", states_c))
out = np.fromstring(
states = np.fromstring(
return out, states
[docs]def sosfilter_double_mimo_c(signal, sos, states=None):
"""Second order section filter function for multi channel input
using cffi, double precision
signal_out, states = sosfilter_c(signal_in, sos, states=None)
signal : ndarray
Signal array of shape (N x C).
sos : ndarray
Second order section filter coefficients (K*6 x B x C) np-array.
states : ndarray
Filter states, initial can be None.
Otherwise shape is (K*2 x B x C)
signal : ndarray
Filtered signal of shape (N x B x C).
Where N is the number of samples, B is th number of
filter bands and C is the number of signal channels.
states : ndarray
Filter states of shape (K*2 x B x C).
shape_signal = signal.shape
nframes = int(shape_signal[0])
if len(shape_signal) > 1:
nchan = int(shape_signal[1])
nchan = int(1)
shape_sos = sos.shape
ksos = int(shape_sos[0]/6)
if len(shape_sos) > 1:
kbands = int(shape_sos[1])
if len(shape_sos) == 2 and nchan > 1:
sos = np.tile(sos.flatten('F'), (nchan))
kbands = int(1)
if isinstance(states, type(None)):
states = np.zeros(nchan*kbands*ksos*2).astype(np.double)
states_c = ffi.new(
'char[]', np.array(states, dtype=np.double).flatten('F').tostring())
sos_c = ffi.new(
'char[]', np.array(sos, dtype=np.double).flatten('F').tostring())
if nchan > 1:
signal = np.tile(signal, (kbands, 1))
signal = np.tile(signal, (kbands))
shape_signal = signal.shape
signal_c = ffi.new(
'char[]', np.array(signal, dtype=np.double).T.flatten().tostring())
ffi.cast("double*", signal_c),
ffi.cast("double*", sos_c),
ffi.cast("double*", states_c)
out = np.fromstring(
states = np.fromstring(
return out.reshape((nframes, kbands, nchan), order='F'), states
[docs]def sosfilter_mimo_cprototype_py(signal_in, sos_in, states_in=None):
"""Prototype for the mimo c-filter function.
Implements a IIR DF-II biquad filter strucure. But with multiple
input und multiple bands."""
signal = signal_in.copy().flatten('F')
shape_signal = signal_in.shape
nframes = int(signal_in.shape[0])
nchan = int(signal_in.shape[2])
sos = np.tile(sos_in.copy().flatten('F'), (nchan))
ksos = int(sos_in.shape[0]/6)
kbands = int(sos_in.shape[1])
if not states_in:
states = np.zeros(nchan*ksos*kbands*2)
states = states_in
ii = 0
for c in range(nchan):
for b in range(kbands):
for k in range(ksos):
w1 = states[c*ksos*kbands*2 + b*ksos*2 + k*2]
w2 = states[c*ksos*kbands*2 + b*ksos*2 + k*2 + 1]
b0 = sos[ii]
ii += 1
b1 = sos[ii]
ii += 1
b2 = sos[ii]
ii += 1
a0 = sos[ii]
ii += 1
a1 = sos[ii]
ii += 1
a2 = sos[ii]
ii += 1
for n in range(nframes):
w0 = signal[c*nframes*kbands + b*nframes + n]
w0 = w0 - a1*w1 - a2*w2
yn = b0*w0 + b1*w1 + b2*w2
w2 = w1
w1 = w0
signal[c*nframes*kbands + b*nframes + n] = yn
states[c*ksos*kbands*2 + b*ksos*2 + k*2] = w1
states[c*ksos*kbands*2 + b*ksos*2 + k*2 + 1] = w2
return signal.reshape(shape_signal), states
[docs]def sosfilter_cprototype_py(signal, sos, states):
"""Prototype for second order section filtering c function.
Implements a IIR DF-II biquad filter strucure.
N = int(len(signal))
K = int(sos.size/6)
if isinstance(states, type(None)):
states = np.zeros(K*2).astype(np.double)
signal = signal.copy() # only python specific
sos = sos.copy().flatten()
yn = 0.0 # buffer for output
w0 = 0.0 # signal states
for k in range(K):
# get coefficients of current biquad
w1 = states[k*2]
w2 = states[k*2+1]
b0 = sos[k*6]
b1 = sos[k*6+1]
b2 = sos[k*6+2]
a0 = sos[k*6+3]
a1 = sos[k*6+4]
a2 = sos[k*6+5]
for n in range(N):
# get a sample
w0 = signal[n].copy()
# recursive path
w0 = w0 - a1*w1 - a2*w2
# transversal path
yn = b0*w0 + b1*w1 + b2*w2
# delays
w2 = w1
w1 = w0
# write output signal
signal[n] = yn
states[k*2] = w1
states[k*2+1] = w2
return signal, states
[docs]def sosfilter_py(x, sos, states=None):
"""Second order section filter routing with scipy lfilter.
x : ndarray
Input signal array.
sos : ndarray
Second order section coefficients array.
states : ndarray or None
Filter states, initial value can be None.
signal : ndarray
Filtered signal.
states : ndarray
Array with filter states.
n = sos.shape[0]
if isinstance(states, type(None)):
states = dict()
for i in np.arange(n):
states[i] = np.zeros(2)
for ii in np.arange(n):
zi = states[ii]
b = sos[ii, :3]
a = sos[ii, 3:]
x, zi = lfilter(b, a, x, 0, zi=zi)
states[ii] = zi
return x, states
[docs]def bilinear_sos(d, c):
"""Bilinear transformation of analog weights to digital weights.
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Bilinear transformation of analog weights to digital weights.
Weights of IIR digital filter in cascade form with
2-pole sections; H(z)=H(z,1)H(z,2)...H(z,L/2) where
L is the number of poles and each section is a ratio of quadratics.
d : ndarray
Numerator weights of analog filter in 1-pole
sections. d is dimensioned (L/2 x 2).
c : ndarray
Denominator weights, dimensioned same as d.
b : ndarray
Digital numerator weights, dimensioned (L/2 x 3).
a : ndarray
Digital denominator weights, dimensioned the same.
L2, ncd = d.shape
nr, ncc = c.shape
# Check for errors.
if(nr != L2 or ncd != 2 or ncc != 2):
raise Exception('Inputs d and c must both be L/2 x 2 arrays.')
# Bilinear transformation of H(s) to H(z) using z and p vectors.
a = np.zeros((L2, 3), dtype=np.double)
a[:, 0] = np.abs(c[:, 0] + c[:, 1])**2
if np.min(a[:, 0]) == 0:
raise Exception('"c" should not have a row of zeros.')
a[:, 1] = 2*np.real((c[:, 0] + c[:, 1]) * np.conj(c[:, 1] - c[:, 0]))
a[:, 2] = np.abs(c[:, 1] - c[:, 0])**2
b = np.zeros((L2, 3), dtype=np.double)
b[:, 0] = np.abs(d[:, 0] + d[:, 1])**2
b[:, 1] = 2*np.real((d[:, 0] + d[:, 1]) * np.conj(d[:, 1] - d[:, 0]))
b[:, 2] = np.abs(d[:, 1] - d[:, 0])**2
# Scale H(z) so a(:,1)=1:
sa = np.kron(np.ones((3, 1)), a[:, 0]).T
a = a / sa
b = b / sa
return b, a
[docs]def freqz(sosmat, nsamples=44100, sample_rate=44100, plot=True):
"""Plots Frequency response of sosmat."""
from pylab import np, plt, fft, fftfreq
x = np.zeros(nsamples)
x[nsamples/2] = 0.999
y, states = sosfilter_double_c(x, sosmat)
Y = fft(y)
f = fftfreq(len(x), 1.0/sample_rate)
if plot:
plt.axis([0, sample_rate / 2, -100, 5])
L = 20*np.log10(np.abs(Y[:len(x)/2]) + 1e-17)
plt.semilogx(f[:len(x)/2], L, lw=0.5)
plt.title(u'freqz sos filter')
plt.xlabel('Frequency / Hz')
plt.ylabel(u'Damping /dB(FS)')
plt.xlim((10, sample_rate/2))
return x, y, f, Y