Source code for butterworth

"""The :mod:`butterworth` module provides functions to design butterwort filters.

from numpy import (mod, exp, zeros, ones, arange, kron, real, flipud,
                   conj, pi, fliplr, sqrt, tan, tile, concatenate, append, double)
from scipy.signal import butter, buttord, buttap

from pyfilterbank.sosfiltering import bilinear_sos

lowpass = 'lowpass'
highpass = 'highpass'
bandpass = 'bandpass'
bandstop = 'bandstop'

[docs]def butter_sos(band, L, v1, v2=0.0): """Compute weights of a digital Butterworth filter in cascade form. Parameters ---------- band : {'lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass', 'bandstop'} L : int Number of lowpass poles. L is doubled for 'bandpass' and 'bandstop'. L must be even. v1 : scalar First critical frequency (Hz-s); 0.0 <v1 < 0.5. v2 : scalar Second critical frequency; v1 < v2 < 0.5. v2 is used only if 'bandpass' or 'bandstop'. Returns ------- sosmat : ndarray Contains the numerator and denominator coeffs for each cascade in one row. Notes ----- Adapted from: Samuel D. Stearns, "Digital Signal Processing with Examples in MATLAB" """ # Check for errors; if(v1<=0 or v1>=.5): raise Exception('Argument v1 must be >0.0 and <0.5') elif v2!=0 and (v2<=v1 or v2>=0.5): raise Exception('Argument v2 must be >v1 and <0.5') # Get the anlalog weights and convert to digital. if(v2 == 0): d, c = butter_analog_sos(band, L, tan(pi*v1)) else: d, c = butter_analog_sos(band, L, tan(pi*v1), tan(pi*v2)) b, a = bilinear_sos(d, c) # TODO: cut this step and give back b, a # but the other functions needing an sosmat should be adapted. sosmat = flipud(concatenate((b, a), axis=1)) return sosmat
[docs]def butter_analog_sos(band, L, w1, w2=0): """Returns analog filter coeffitients for Butterworth filters. compute analog weights of a butterworth filter Parameters ---------- band : {'lowpass', 'highpass, 'bandpass', 'bandstop'} L : int Order of lowpass / highpass filter. w1 : scalar Critical frequency one. w2 : scalar Critical frequency two. (for 'bandpass' or 'bandstop'). Returns ------- d, c : Analog weights of the filter Notes ----- implements SOS H(s) butterwort if you need H(z) apply a bilinear transform """ band = band.lower() L2 = L / 2.0 if mod(L, 2): raise Exception('Number of poles L must be even') if w1 <= 0: raise Exception('Frequency w1 must be in rad/s and >0') # define center frequency wc: if band==lowpass or band==highpass: wc = w1 else: wc = w2-w1 p = wc * exp(-1j * (2*arange(1,L2+1,dtype=double) + L-1) * pi / (2*L)) # defining the lowpass filter: d = zeros((L2, 2), dtype=double).astype(complex) c = ones((L2, 2), dtype=double).astype(complex) d[:,1] = wc * ones(L2, dtype=double) c[:,1] = -p if band == highpass: d[:, 0] = d[:, 1] d[:, 1] = 0.0 c = fliplr(c) c[:, 1] = c[:, 1] * wc**2 elif band == bandpass: d[:, 0] = d[:, 1] d[:, 1] = zeros(L2) d = append(d, d, axis=0) d[L2:, 0] = zeros(L2) d[L2:, 1] = ones(L2) root = sqrt(c[:, 1]**2 - 4*c[:, 0]**2 * w1*w2) r1 = (-c[:, 1] + root) / (2 * c[:, 0]) r2 = (-c[:, 1] - root) / (2 * c[:, 0]) c[:, 0] = c[:, 0] c[:, 1] = -c[:, 0] * r1 c = append(c, c, axis=0) c[L2:, 0] = 1.0 c[L2:, 1] = -r2 elif band == bandstop: root = sqrt(d[:, 0]**2 * wc**4 - 4*d[:, 1]**2 * w1*w2) r1 = (-d[:, 0] * wc**2 + root) / (2 * d[:, 1]) r2 = (-d[:, 0] * wc**2 - root) / (2 * d[:, 1]) d[:, 0] = d[:L2, 1] d[:, 1] = -d[:L2, 1] * r1 d = append(d, d, axis=0) d[L2:2*L2, 0] = ones(L2) d[L2:2*L2, 1] = -r2 root = sqrt(c[:, 0]**2 * wc**4 - 4*c[:, 1]**2 * w1*w2) r1 = (-c[:, 0] * wc**2 + root) / (2 * c[:, 1]) r2 = (-c[:, 0] * wc**2 - root) / (2 * c[:, 1]) c[:, 0] = c[:L2, 1] c[:, 1] = -c[:L2, 1] * r1 c = append(c, c, axis=0) c[L2:2*L2, 0] = ones(L2) c[L2:2*L2, 1] = -r2 return d, c